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Aaron Reed sits at a leather craft desk and laughs. Welcome to Reed Leatherware.

Reed Leatherware | Veg tan for life


Hey there,

I'm Aaron Reed, sole maker here at Reed Leatherware. I started this company because I couldn't find what I wanted anywhere. I wanted something made by only hands. Something that would get better with age, and be with me for a very long time. I made it, here it is.  

I come out of the mountains of North Idaho, though I now live in the Netherlands, where Reed Leatherware is located. The adventure has been splendorous, I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Everything here is made carefully and dutifully. Decisions are made in terms of durability and aging characteristics, not manufacturing convenience and cost savings.  

I'm trying to make interesting things thoughtful people like yourself want to have with them. I hope my creations become prized possessions. 


I hope you enjoy what I've created,

Aaron Reed


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